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Cypress Grove Intermediate

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Cypress Grove Intermediate

Helpful Hints

Helpful Hints for Cypress Grove

  • FIRST DAY RECOMMENDATIONS - If parents want to take pictures, it is advised to do this during schedule pick up or prior to entering campus on the first day. Parents will not be allowed to walk with students to their first-period class. Any parent or visitor who enters the building must have a driver's license or state-issued ID and check in at the front office, even on the first day of school. Students need to make sure they have a copy of their schedule with them so they know where to go. If a student is in Orchestra or Band, they are NOT to bring their instrument until the teacher instructs them. Also, be sure your child knows how he/she is getting home on the first day.
  • BUS - If you ride the bus, know your bus number. You can contact CSISD Transportation if you do not know the bus number or bus stop. (979-764-5440)
  • CAR RIDERS -  Car riders are dropped off and picked up on the east side of the building ONLY. Please do not drop off in the front (buses drop off there) or the west side (Special Services buses drop off there; bicycle riders leave their bikes on this side as well). Refer to the drop-off/pick up procedures handout for more information.
  • WALKERS/BIKE RIDERS- These students enter the building through the side cafeteria doors. Have a rainy day plan established as well.
  • MORNING ROUTINES: Students may enter the building at 7:45 am. Students are NOT supervised before 7:45 am. Games involving contact or balls are not to be played on the campus without adult supervision. 5th graders will report to the gym unless they eat breakfast. 6th graders will report to the cafeteria.
  • LUNCH - Will your student bring their lunch or buy? If buying, make sure they have money with them or on their account. The cafeteria does NOT let students charge.
  • MEDICATIONS - If you take medication at school, ALL medications must be brought to the school nurse in the original marked container by the parent and a form must be signed.
  • WHAT TO WEAR - All students must wear clothes that comply with the CSISD dress code. This can be found on the school and district websites. Students who are not in dress code compliance will not be allowed to be in class until appropriate clothes can be brought to them by a parent.
  • SUPPLIES - DO NOT bring all school supplies on the first day of school. Students should just bring a binder, paper, pens, and pencils on the first day and their teachers will direct them when to bring the other items.
  • TEXTBOOKS - Books are distributed by teachers. Students/parents are financially responsible for the student's textbooks.
  • START/STOP TIMES - Our start and stop times have changed from last year. We will begin class at 8:25 am this year. If a student arrives after this time, he/she will be marked tardy. We finish our day at 3:50 pm. Students will not be dismissed until that time.
  • FIRST WEEK CAR RIDER LINE - This line will take longer than normal to get through for the first couple of weeks, so please be patient. It is advised not to try to be early. Coming later will get you through faster.