Registration information goes out to the students in early spring.
Students entering 5th grade have a choice of elective:
(1) Music/Art/Drama Rotation (12 weeks in each course)
(2) Beginning Orchestra (full year course)
Students entering 6th grade may also choose their elective:
(1) Choir/Art/Drama Rotation (12 weeks in each course)
(2) Advanced Orchestra (full year course; must have instrument experience)
(3) Beginning Band (full year course)
All students will be enrolled in the following courses:
English/Language Arts
Social Studies
Advanced Courses (English/Language Arts and Math):
To initially qualify for Advanced Math and/or Advanced English/Language Arts the student must:
**Have scored Commended on the latest TAKS/STAAR test
**Scored a 90 or above on the first semester of that course in the current year
Students must meet certain district requirements to maintain eligibility in Advanced Math and/or Advanced English/Language Arts:
**Maintain at least a 75 average or above in the first semester in that course for the current year
Students who have met these standards will be automatically enrolled in the Advanced classes. If parents wish for their child to NOT enroll, please contact the counseling office at Cypress Grove by May 18th.
Incoming 5th Grade information is also available within the attachments (power-point and FAQ).
- Welcome to Cypress Grove Incoming 5th Graders
- Welcome to the 5th grade_1_